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Maximizing Your Investment: How to Care for Your Cosmetic Dental Work

Maximizing Your Investment: How to Care for Your Cosmetic Dental Work
HIllcrest Dental
At Hillcrest Dental, we pride ourselves on providing over-the-top excellent customer service that leaves every patient thrilled and happy with their visit. Our team believes in the values of integrity, honesty, and empathy, and we always put our patients' best interests first. It’s our mission to provide all patients with the best care available in dentistry today – join us to experience the difference!
BY HIllcrest Dental

Investing in cosmetic dental work is not just about enhancing your smile; it's about investing in your self-confidence and the quality of your life. A beautiful smile can open doors, start conversations, and radiate a positive self-image. But once you've achieved that dazzling smile with the help of cosmetic dentistry, the focus shifts to preserving and maximizing your investment. Proper care can ensure that your enhanced smile remains as stunning as the day it was completed.

The Value of Investing in a Beautiful Smile

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and cosmetic dental work can ensure that this first impression is always a lasting one. From veneers to bonding, crowns to whitening treatments, the array of cosmetic procedures available at Hillcrest Dental is designed to give you the smile you've always dreamed of. But the true value of these treatments can only be fully realized when they are well-maintained.

Detailed Care Strategies for Different Types of Cosmetic Dental Work

Each type of cosmetic dental work requires a specific care strategy to maintain its integrity and appearance:


For those with veneers, it's important to avoid habits that can damage them, such as biting on hard objects (think ice cubes or pen caps) or using your teeth as tools. Brush and floss gently to prevent gum line recession, which can expose the borders of your veneers.

Teeth Whitening

After a whitening treatment, maintaining the brightness of your smile means being mindful of foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, like coffee, red wine, and berries. Consider using a straw for drinks that may stain and rinse your mouth after consuming them.

Dental Crowns

Crowns require the same diligent care as your natural teeth. Although they cannot decay, the underlying tooth can, so proper brushing and flossing are essential. Pay special attention to the area where the crown meets the gum line.


Dental bonding material can chip, so avoid biting your nails or chewing on hard objects like ice or hard candy. Additionally, like natural teeth, bonded areas can stain and do not respond to whitening agents.

The Role of Diet, Hygiene, and Habits in Maintaining Dental Work

Your lifestyle choices play a significant role in the longevity of your cosmetic dental work. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and water will not only promote overall health but also help keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy. Steer clear of tobacco products, which can stain and deteriorate your cosmetic enhancements. Excellent oral hygiene habits—brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash—should be non-negotiable.

Regular Dental Visits and Professional Cleanings

Routine dental visits and professional cleanings are not just for checkups; they are preventive sessions that can extend the life of your cosmetic dental work. Your dentist can spot and address any issues before they become major problems, ensuring your investment remains secure.

How Hillcrest Dental Can Help Prolong the Life of Your Cosmetic Dentistry

At Hillcrest Dental, we don't just create beautiful smiles; we're committed to maintaining them. Our team of professionals provides personalized care instructions and tips tailored to your specific treatment. We use the latest in dental technology and techniques to provide treatments that not only look great but are also durable.

Book Your Visit Today

Don't wait for a problem to arise before you take action. Regular maintenance appointments are the key to sustaining the beauty and health of your cosmetic dental work. At Hillcrest Dental, we are dedicated to ensuring that your smile investment delivers satisfaction and joy long-term.

If you're due for a maintenance check or simply wish to consult about your current cosmetic dental work, we encourage you to reach out. Booking your appointment is the first step towards safeguarding your radiant smile. Contact Hillcrest Dental today, and let's keep that investment in your smile working for you for years to come.