The caring professionals at Hillcrest Dental will always do everything we can to repair teeth using the latest restorative techniques. However, you may need to have your tooth extracted in some cases, such as:
- Your tooth is severely damaged or decayed
- Root canal treatment has failed to save your tooth
- Your tooth is infected and risking the health of your surrounding teeth
- Your tooth is impacted (or trapped inside the bone beneath the gum line)
- Your jaw is too small to accommodate your teeth and they have become crowded

Your adult teeth are intended to keep you smiling for life, but sometimes problems arise. If you need to have your tooth removed, we perform safe, comfortable extractions. Our team uses the latest technology and tools for a simple, stress-free procedure.

Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to come in, erupting in the back of your mouth between the ages of 17-25. Some patients experience no problem with their wisdom teeth, while others suffer from pain, gum infections, damaged teeth, and other complications. If you need to have one or more wisdom teeth removed, you can trust Hillcrest Dental.

Learn More About Extractions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer sedation?
Yes, we offer laughing gas and oral sedation to make your procedure as comfortable and relaxing as possible.
How long does it take to pull a tooth?
A simple extraction typically takes 20-40 minutes, while it may take about 45 minutes to remove a wisdom tooth.
Do extractions hurt?
Generally, no. You may experience some pressure during your extraction, but our doctor will prepare your mouth using a local anesthetic to minimize your discomfort.