Dr. Charles Buchanan


Dr. Charles Buchanan is a distinguished dentist with a comprehensive background in various dental disciplines. A proud graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, he earned a BS in Biology in 2016 and later obtained his DMD degree from the UNLV School of Dental Medicine in 2021. During his studies, Dr. Buchanan was honored with several prestigious awards, including the Dean’s Award for Leadership on the National Level and the Innovation and Originality in Dental Research Award.

Dr. Buchanan has specialized training in oral surgery, implant placement, orthodontics (clear aligners), as well as cosmetic, restorative, and endodontic dental treatments. He is an active member of both the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry and has served as a Trustee for the American Student Dental Association, representing numerous dental schools across the West Coast.

Dr. Buchanan is committed to delivering exceptional care in a welcoming environment, prioritizing honest communication, and building strong relationships with his patients. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys film, television, traveling, and fitness. He also loves attending concerts and spending quality time with his family, friends, and his dog, Gus.

Dr. Buchanan
He is a movie film nerd and enjoys attending film festivals.
He loves playing trivia.
Las vegas
Is a second generation Las Vegas native.

Continue the doctor's bio here

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